Weekly 100

Algorithm: Number of Operations to Make Network Connected; Review: Demystify SwiftUI containers; Tips: Create a custom data store with SwiftData; Share: Swift summary

Weekly 099

Algorithm: Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling; Review: Preserving your app's model data across launches; Tips: Adding and editing persistent data in your app; Share: Manage user interface state

Weekly 098

Algorithm: Replace the Substring for Balanced String; Review: Access Control; Tips: Advanced Operators; Share: Gray Code

Weekly 097

Algorithm: Maximum Equal Frequency; Review: Automatic Reference Counting; Tips: Memory Safety; Share: Skip list

Weekly 096

Algorithm: Critical Connections in a Network; Review: Type Casting; Tips: Nested Types; Share: Maximum subarray problem

Weekly 095

Algorithm: Make Array Strictly Increasing; Review: Error Handling; Tips: Macros; Share: Zeller's congruence

Weekly 094

Algorithm: Shortest Common Supersequence; Review: Extensions; Tips: Protocols; Share: Boyer-More majority vote algorithm

Weekly 093

Algorithm: Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows; Review: Generics; Tips: Opaque and Boxed Types; Share: About Reading Apple Documents

Weekly 092

Algorithm: Last Stone Weight II; Review: Receiving and Handling Events with Combine; Tips: Concurrency; Share: Learn Swift

Weekly 091

Algorithm: Two city Scheduling; Review: Separation of Concerns in Software Design; Tips: Programmatic navigation in SwiftUI project; Share: About open courses

Weekly 090

Algorithm: Minimize Manhattan Distances; Review: Clean Architecture for SwiftUI; Tips: Understanding Distance Metrics Used in Machine Learning; Share: A summary of current state

Weekly 089

Algorithm: Binary Tree Cameras; Review: Announcing bpftop; Tips: Demystifying Parameterized Protocols in Swift; Share: Some summary of backend developing

Weekly 088

Algorithm: Coiunt the Number of House at a Certain Distance II; Review: Incremental Processing using Netflix Maestro and Apache Iceberg; Tips: System Design Interview - Distributed Message Queue; Share: How to make an iOS App Secure?

Weekly 087

Algorithm: Tallest Billboard; Review: Rebuilding Netflix Video Processing Pipeline with Microservices; Tips: System Design Interview - Notification Service; Share: System Design Interview For Mobile Engineers

Weekly 086

Algorithm: Distinct Subsequences II; Review: All of Netflix’s HDR video streaming is now dynamically optimized; Tips: System Design Interview - Rate Limiting; Share: Cracking the Mobile System Design Interview

Weekly 085

Algorithm: Count Beautiful Substrings II; Review: Psyberg: Automated end to end catch up; Tips: System Design Interview - Distributed Cache; Share: Have a rest, and small thinking

Weekly 084

Algorithm: Apply Operations to Make Two Strings Equal; Review: Detecting Scene Changes in Audiovisual Content; Tips: Van der Corput Sequence; Share: Prepare for Your Google Interviews

Weekly 083

Algorithm: Prime Palindrome; Review: Curbing Connection Churn in Zuul; Tips: Swift 5; Share: System Design Interview - Top K Problem

Weekly 082

Algorithm: Rectangle Area II; Review: Zero Configuration Service Mesh with On Demand Cluster Discovery; Tips: The Art of the Job Interview; Share: 7 Tips for the Coding Resume

Weekly 081

Algorithm: Image Overlap; Review: AVA Discovering View; Tips: English for Career Development; Share: System Design Interview - Step By Step Guide

Weekly 080

Algorithm: Sum of Distances in Tree; Review: Improved Alerting with Atlas Streaming Eval; Tips: Binary Lifting; Share: Take Notes

Weekly 079

Algorithm: Maximum Number of Groups With Increasing Length; Review: Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2; Tips: Designing Data-Intensive Applications; Share: Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential

Weekly 078

Algorithm: Smallest Rotation with Highest Score; Review: Timelines at Scale; Tips: Learn english tricks; Share: Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime - Part 1

Weekly 077

Algorithm: Maximum Sum Queries; Review: Scaling Pinterest; Tips: Business English; Share: Recent Personal Share

Weekly 076

Algorithm: Minimize the Total Price of the Trips; Review: The Design of a Practical System for Fault-Tolerant Virtural Machines; Tips: Y Combinator and C++; Share: Hempel's Joke

Weekly 075

Algorithm: Cherry Pickup; Review: Serving Facebook Multifeed; Tips: Avoiding Double Payments in a Distributed Payments System; Share: The Google File System

Weekly 074

Algorithm: Minimum Reverse Operations; Review: Making your code faster by taming branches; Tips: Finding a needle in Haystack; Share: De Bruijn Sequence

Weekly 073

Algorithm: Split the Array to Make Coprime Products; Review: Notes about iOS Develop; Tips: Python technology and practice; Share: Parsing Gigabytes of JSON per Second

Weekly 072

Algorithm: Subsequence With the Minimum Score; Review: Notes about iOS Develop; Tips: Python technology and practice; Share: Advanced Aspect Ratios - PAR, DAR and SAR

Weekly 071

Algorithm: Difference Between Maximum and Minimum Price Sum; Review: Notes about iOS Develop; Tips: Python technology and practice; Share: Young's, Minkowski's and Hölder's Inequality

Weekly 070

Algorithm: Race Car; Review: Notes about iOS Develop; Tips: C++ Templates are Turing Complete; Share: Young's Inequality

Weekly 069

Algorithm: K Inverse Pairs Array; Review: Notes about iOS Develop; Tips: iOS thread backtrace info; Share: Hölder's Inequality

Weekly 068

Algorithm: Find the Closest Palindrome; Review: Notes about iOS Develop; Tips: The Case of the Implicit Move; Share: Jensen's inequality

Weekly 067

Algorithm: Maximum Deletions on a String; Review: Notes about C++; Tips: Notes about iOS Develop; Share: The Ghost of Statistics Past

Weekly 066

Algorithm: Next Greater Element III; Review: Notes about C++; Tips: Notes about iOS Develop; Share: In All Probability

Weekly 065

Algorithm: Number of Good Paths; Review: Notes about C++; Tips: Notes about Media Technology in mobile platform; Share:Notes about iOS Develop

Weekly 064

Algorithm: Remove Boxes; Review: Notes about Media Technology; Tips: Notes about Media Technology in mobile platform; Share:Slither Link

Weekly 063

Algorithm: Zuma Game; Review: Notes about Media Technology; Tips: Notes about Media Technology in mobile platform; Share:Configure sticky sessions for your Classic Load Balancer

Weekly 062

Algorithm: LFU Cache; Review: Notes about Media Technology; Tips: Notes about Media Technology in mobile platform; Share:Scaling Memcache at Facebook

Weekly 061

Algorithm: Elimination Game; Review: Notes about Video Technology; Tips: Schroeder Reverberators; Share:Notes about Media Technology

Weekly 060

Algorithm: Wiggle Sort II; Review: Notes about Video Technology; Tips: Late Reverberation Approximations; Share:Proff of Lagrange's four-square theorem

Weekly 059

Algorithm: Course Schedule; Review: Notes about Video Technology; Tips: Physical Audio Signal Processing(Early Reflections); Share: C++ What is copy-and-swap idiom

Weekly 058

Algorithm: Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array; Review: Notes about Audio Technology; Tips: What's all the C Plus Fuss; Share:Notes about C++

Weekly 057

Algorithm: Dynamic inversion; Review: Notes about Audio Technology; Tips: Notes about Python; Share:Notes about C++

Weekly 056

Algorithm: The Windy's; Review: Notes about design patterns; Tips: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Perceptual Aspects Reverberation); Share:Notes about C++

Weekly 055

Algorithm: Evacuation Plan; Review: Notes about design patterns; Tips: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(The Reverberation Problem); Share:Fillomino

Weekly 054

Algorithm: Farm Tour; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Allpass Digital Waveguide Networks); Tips: Notes about design patterns; Share: Reservoir sampling

Weekly 053

Algorithm: Dual Core CPU; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Allpass Filters); Tips: Notes about design patterns; Share: Selection in X+Y and Matrices with sorted rows and columns

Weekly 052

Algorithm: Dining; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(FDN); Tips: Notes about design patterns; Share: Dominosa

Weekly 051

Algorithm: Evacuation; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Comb Filter); Tips: Notes about design patterns; Share: Light Up

Weekly 050

Algorithm: Asteroids; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Tapped Delay Line(TDL)); Tips: How to look at minkowski's theorem; Share:

Weekly 049

Algorithm: Super Pow; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Digital Waveguides); Tips: Ménage Numbers and Ménage Permutations; Share: Sudoku

Weekly 048

Algorithm: Sum of Two Integers; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Lossy Acoustic Propagation); Tips: geek notes; Share: Implementation

Weekly 047

Algorithm: Matrix Power Series; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Acoustic Modeling with Digital Delay); Tips: geek notes; Share: Melding ZDDs

Digital Audio Signal Processing(Chapter 1) by Udo


Weekly 046

Algorithm: Blocks; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING(Physical Models); Tips: geek nots; Share: A toy problem

Weekly 045

Algorithm: Traveling by Stagecoach; Review: PHYSICAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING; Tips: geek nots; Share: Constructing ZDDs

Weekly 044

Algorithm: K-th Number; Review: How does the new Azure Communication Services implement WebRTC; Tips: geek nots; Share: ZDDs defined

Weekly 043

Algorithm: A Simple Problem with Integers; Review: RED: Improving Audio Quality with Redundancy; Tips: geek nots; Share: Goto considered helpful

Weekly 042

Algorithm: Crane; Review: Number-Theoretic Algorithms, introduction to algorithms, chapter 31; Tips: geek nots; Share: Families of sets

Weekly 041

Algorithm: Fliptile; Review: A Response to Cheriton and Skeen's Criticism of Causual and Totally Ordered Communication; Tips: Probability Theory in Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics; Share: Binary Decision Diagrams

Weekly 040

Algorithm: Face The Right Way; Review: digital video introduction, Online streaming; Tips: duolingo; Share: Factoring

Audio Signal Processing and Coding(Chapter 2) by Spanias

Signal Processing Essentials

Weekly 039

Algorithm: Largest Divisible Subset; Review: digital video introduction, How does a video codec work; Tips: 素数倒数和不收敛; Share: Primality Tests

Weekly 038

Algorithm: Water and Jug Problem; Review: digital video introduction, Redundancy removal; Share: Scalability for Dummies, Asynchronism

Weekly 037

Algorithm: Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K; Review: digital video introduction, Basic terminology; Share: Scalability for Dummies, Cache

Audio Signal Processing and Coding(Chapter 1) by Spanias


Weekly 036

Algorithm: russian doll envelopes; Review: Understanding the Limitations of Causally and Totally Ordered Communication; Share: Red-Black Tree in introduction to algorithms

Weekly 035

Algorithm: Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals; Review: Lightweight Causal and Atomic Group Multicast; Share: WebRTC Today & Tomorrow: Interview with W3C WebRTC Chair Bernard Aboba

JPEG2000 Image Compression Foundamentals, Standards and Practice(Chapter 1)

Image Compression OverView

Weekly 034

Algorithm: Top K Frequent Elements; Review: Epidemic Algorithms for Replicated Database Maintenance; Share: Scalability for Dummies - Part 2: Database

Weekly 033

Algorithm: integer break; Review: Total Order Broadcast and Multicast Algorithms; Share: Scalability for Dummies - Part 1: Clones

Weekly 032

Algorithm: valid palindrome II; Review: State machine replication; Share:introduction to algorithm, chapter 34, NP-Completeness

Weekly 031

Algorithm: 24 Game; Review: Distributed Snapshots, Determining Global States of a Distributed System; Share:introduction to algorithm, chapter 33, Computational Geometry

Weekly 030

Algorithm: Reconstruct Itinerary; Review: Bully algorithm; Share:introduction to algorithm, chapter 32, String Matching

Weekly 029

Algorithm: patching array; Review: Life beyond Distributed Transactions: an Apostate’s Opinio; Share:introduction to algorithm, chapter 31, Number-Theoretic Algorithms

Weekly 028

Algorithm: count of range sum; Review: How To Build a Highly Available System Using Consensus; Share: introduction to algorithms, chapter 30, Polynomials and the FFT

Weekly 027

Algorithm: wiggle sort II; Review: Consensus on Transaction Commit; Share: how to desigan a autocomplete system

Weekly 026

Algorithm: create maximum number; Review: Fast Paxos; Share: streaming file synchronization

Weekly 025

Algorithm: number of longest increasing subsequence; Review: Cheap Paxos; Share: building a complete tweet index

Weekly 024

Algorithm: create maximum number; Review: Paxos Made Live; Share: MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters

Weekly 023

Algorithm: number of longest increasing subsequence; Review: The Part-Time Parliament; Share: Write-Ahead Logging

Weekly 022

Algorithm: strange printer; Review: Paxos Made Simple; Share: introduction to algorithm, chapter 29, Linear programming

Weekly 021

Algorithm: best time to buy and sell stock iv; Review: Consensus Protocols: Paxos; Share: max flow push relabel algorithm

Weekly 020

Algorithm: split array into consecutive subsequences; Review: Consensus Protocols: Three-phase Commit; Share: Algorithms for the Masses

Weekly 019

Algorithm: dota2 senate; Review: Consensus Protocols: Two-Phase Commit; Share: Swift Concurrency Manifesto

Weekly 018

Algorithm: maximum gap; Review: A Quorum-based commit protocol; Share: google code review

Weekly 017

Algorithm: find peak element; Review: Survey on Scalable Failure Detectors; Share: Fermat's Theorem in What is Mathematics

Weekly 016

Algorithm: exclusive tiime of functions; Review: Unreliable Failure Detectors for Reliable Distributed Systems; Share: thoughts of Yitang Zhang

Weekly 015

Algorithm: smallest range covering elements from k lists; Review: Unreliable Failure Detectors for Reliable Distributed Systems; Share: introduction to algorithms, chapter 19, Fibonacci Heaps

Weekly 014

Algorithm: k inverse pairs array; Review: Unreliable Failure Detectors for Reliable Distributed Systems; Share: google code style

Weekly 013

Review: An Overview of Clock synchronization; Share: Einstein excerpt

Weekly 012

Algorithm: word break; Review: Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Stor; Share:C++ Concurrency in Action, perallel algorithm

Weekly 011

Algorithm: gas station; Review: Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Stor; Share:Algorithms, graphic part

Weekly 010

Algorithm: best time to buy and sell stock III; Review: Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System; Share: C++ Concurrency in Action, parallel programming part

Weekly 009

Algorithm: student attendance record II; Review: Failure modes in distributed systems; Share: C++ Concurrency in Actio, lock free part

Weekly 008

Algorithm: symmetric tree; Review: A Note on Distributed Computing; Share: fererence part, The C++ Programming Language

Weekly 007

Algorithm: Maximal Rectangle; Review: Distributd System, Replication Part, weak consistency model protocols; Share: C++ Concurrency in action, lock part

Weekly 006

Algorithm: Edit Distance; Review: Distributed System, Replication Part; Share: Memory Order